Friday, December 2, 2011

My Entitlement is not an Entitlement, because I'm Entitled to it!

A seed is being planted that ‘entitlement’ is a bad word, and that entitlement programs are wasteful. 

We’ve all seen the FB posts, “My [insert program name; Social Security, Medicare, Veteran’s benefits] is NOT an entitlement.  I EARNED this by [insert what you’ve paid, earned, endured, or otherwise done to become entitled]!   I’m all for ‘entitlement reform’, but leave my [repeat entitlement program name] alone!” 

The intention is more than obvious.  It’s a ‘divide and conquer’ campaign.  By convincing each interest group that their program isn’t really an entitlement, they can gain support for cutting all the rest.  It’s actually rather elegant, if you can overlook its immorality.  

‘Entitlement’ is merely a budgetary term for programs whose outlay is dependent upon the number of people who qualify—for whatever reason—and are guarantee the benefit.  There is no judgment or connotation associated with it – except that which is being implanted in people’s little brains by the spin-meisters. 

No doubt if you lift of the dirty carpet corners of this nasty misinformation campaign, you’ll find Frank Lunz’s droppings. 

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