Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Orthodoxy and Society

True orthodox communists believe that if we restructure society properly, human greed will fade away, and we'll all live together, sharing everything equally. 

True believers in laissez-faire capitalism know that's a crock; they believe not only that greed won't disappear from our character, but that it's actually a virtue, which—applied in aggregate over an entire population—will deliver the best possible societal outcomes. 

This latter belief is as full of shit as the former; each has more in common with a religious cult than a serious, practical economic system.  In their unalloyed form, each overlooks human nature, and its consequences - to the severe detriment of society. 

Real problems don't yield to rigidly orthodox solutions.  Those societies which progressed the most in the twentieth century are those which have thrown out the tomes, and have employed pragmatic contributions from all the various systems.      

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