Thursday, September 1, 2016

Celebrity Obsession

The problem isn’t whether an entertainer chooses to remain seated during the playing of the national anthem – nor is the problem whether fans express their approval or disapproval of his choice.  If these are not protected by the First Amendment, then it’s not worth the parchment on which it was written.  

IMHO the problem is that our culture has become so barren that we obsess on the actions, or inactions of celebrities.  We ridiculously over-reward, and deify people who accomplish nothing more profound than throwing or catching a football, running very fast, or hitting a golf ball a little further than their opponents – then reveal our passive-aggressive hatred for them by mob destruction as soon as they stray from our script.  

Whether you think Colin Kaepernick is hero or a villain, my advice to you is to not dwell on it.  Go for a walk or a drive; read a book; tell a story, or listen to a story; change your kid’s diaper; check out what you’ve missed in your own life while dwelling on the actions of a stranger.   

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