Monday, September 26, 2016

Backward, and in Heels

It is said of Ginger Rogers that she had to do everything Fred Astaire did – but backward, and in heels.  

As you watch the presidential debate this evening, consider the difference in your expectations of the two candidates.  Particularly, consider the idiosyncratic behavior of each, and how you would view it if each exhibited the behavior we expect from the other.  

How would you react if Hillary Clinton exhibited wild flights of fantasy, proposed internally inconsistent massive program expansions, tax cuts, and an aggressive program of deficit reduction, without ever addressing how these can all be implemented at once?  Or if she tossed out a string of horrible insults about her opponent’s appearance, or that of one of his family members?  

On the other hand, how stunned would you be if Donald Trump listened carefully to the question, addressed it directly and clearly, with a well thought-out, reality-based program to address a problem our society faces.  And if there were a follow-up question that took him off his prepared talking points, if he was able to respond in a way that reflects a depth of understanding of the issue.  
Yes, she will have to dance ‘backward, and in heels’ this evening.  And one advantage Ginger Rogers always enjoyed that Hillary Clinton does not … nobody in the audience harbored a visceral hatred for Ginger Rogers, and prayed for her failure.  

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