Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Fractional Legislator Ownership™


Fractional Legislator Ownership

It’s long been recognized that one of the most profitable investments a plutocrat or industrialist can make is in the promising Congressional sector.  When you run the numbers the results are conclusive; with up to a ten-fold return in the first year, those who aren't investing in the legislative branch are missing out. 

But since the Citizens United ruling opened the government more fully to market forces, we've witnessed a significant uptick in the investment required to participate in this sector.  The level of investment that used to easily obtain the services of a senior Senator, now may not even be enough for a freshman Representative.  While this affects even established, more well-heeled players, it may present a serious barrier to entry for new investors.  Many of the best Senators and Representatives are already locked up, and the rapidly increasing costs of those who are available can adversely affect cash-flow. 

So how does a small to medium tier tycoon access the long-term benefits available in this sector, without the short-term hit to liquidity?

This is a problem that lends itself to a creative solution; one which I’d like to share with you.  Taking a cue from luxury aircraft industry players such as NetJets and Airshares Elite, I have founded FLO (LLC), where we architect and broker Fractional Legislator Ownership™ opportunities. 

Advantages of FLO

FLO enables our investors to enjoy many of the same benefits, and the same prestige of owning your own Senator, with a relatively more modest upfront investment.  Some investors—particularly those in highly controversial industries, or those needing specific language inserted into the tax code—may still need to fully own a Senator or House committee chair; perhaps even a Supreme Court justice.  But for all but the largest oligarchs, a strategically-designed FLO should be more than enough to meet any conceivable need. 

Profile Match

Our innovative investor-matching program employs an algorithm that matches your profile with that of other investors; identifying compatibilities and uncovering synergies, so that the combined investments of the fractional owners most effectively direct the activities of your Congressional Representative or Senator.  

Risk Reduction

Another advantage to Fractional Legislator Ownership™ is risk reduction.  As Simon Cameron once famously said, “an honest politician is one who, when he is bought, will stay bought”.  At FLO, we carefully screen our Representatives and Senators to assure that they are sensitive to the needs of our investors.  But we know that they’re human, and thus, imperfect.  If they fail to meet expectations—whether in committee work or in full sessionour systems detect it, and take immediate action.  We will redirect your legislation to other key Senators or Representatives in our portfolio.  And we handle the discipline of the one who missed his or her cue – minimizing the likelihood of a recurrence.  In all cases, your investment is assured.  

Timely Opportunity

With the new Congress being seated soon—particularly the wholesale changes in leadership in the Senateunprecedented opportunities are available to the proactive investor.  Have your people call to discuss these with one of our FLO Legislative Account Executives.  Better yet, drop by one of our offices in person. We'll open a chilled bottle of Dom Perignon, and thoroughly review our prospectus in person.  

We look forward to a mutually beneficial collaboration.  


  1. I be on my way. Crack open some Boones Farm or MD 20-20. I gots me a hole $20 bernin' a hole in my poket. I wan in on that ther ground flour.
