Sunday, August 4, 2024

A Study in Contrasts

Last week, President Biden pulled off a diplomatic feat, orchestrating the largest prisoner exchange with Russia since the Cold War days and the Soviet Union.  

Consistent with his character, Biden played down his role in this historic event, deflecting credit to our allies in Europe, particularly Germany and Slovenia - who released prisoners while gaining nothing in return.  

Meanwhile, up in the peanut gallery, a heckler—who played no part in this exchange whatsoever—tried to claim credit for it, even as he belittled the accomplishment; claiming it as a win for his mentor in Moscow.  This claim was parroted by his running mate, as well as his always-reliable lick-spittle, Lindsey Graham.  

What an incredible character study in contrasting leadership styles – hard work, humility, and shared credit, versus narcissistic vapor-ware puffery. 

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