Thursday, September 8, 2022

Freedom Isn't Free

With Labor Day Weekend drawing to a close, and a presidential election underway, it’s a good time to consider the dynamics of our society.  No gains are permanently locked in – not in the dignity of labor; equal rights—even voting rights—for racial, ethnic, or religious minorities; or a woman’s control over her own body.  Gains are always ephemeral; we relax and enjoy them at the risk of losing them.  Every gain in dignity formerly denied to some, is seen as a loss of prerogative to those who formerly held the reins – a loss they will immediately work to regain.  

So I hope you enjoyed your Labor Day weekend, and took a few moments to remember those who struggled, sometimes died, and continue to struggle, to win you a three-day weekend, and eight-hour workday, a decent minimum wage, and the right to vote for leaders who will protect those rights.  

Freedom isn’t free, and it is never secure to the complacent.

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