Sunday, July 19, 2020

Dumbfuckistan Mask

You know the saying, ‘A picture is worth a thousand words’? 

I was at Shurway Lumber the other day, picking up some boards for a project (pictures when there is something to share).  There was a guy in line with a face mask that had the word ‘TRUMP’ in big letters across it.  As if this weren't ironic enough, it gets better.  He was wearing it so that the top covered his upper lip, leaving his big, stupid face-dick just dangled out over the top. 

I was tempted to ask him if I could take a picture, but feared he might think I was ridiculing him … which, of course, I would have been.  The image, though, was as priceless as it was indelible; I only wish I could have shared it.  This one picture sums up why so many western democracies now carefully—oh-so carefully—welcome visitors from each other’s countries; while citizens of Dumbfuckistan are stuck within our own borders. 

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