Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Religions and Conflict

There is no conflict between Christianity and Judaism

There is no conflict between Christianity and Islam; between Islam and Judaism; between Hinduism and Buddhism; Hinduism and Islam, or any pair of religions.

In fact, there is no conflict between any of these, and a secular perspective that values empirical evidence over revealed wisdom.  Many of the best minds in science and in religion are comfortable with toes dipped in each pool.  

The conflict is with those who lack the imagination or confidence to feel that their beliefs are right, without insisting that all others are wrong – and with those who manipulate them for their own purposes.  

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Chablis-Drinking Liberal Elitist

The other day, a friend called me an elitist ‘chablis-drinking’ liberal.  

As much as I appreciate his comment, I really needed to set him straight.  I told him I don’t particularly care for chablis.  Much of what passes for ‘chablis’ in this country is just generic white wine - hardly worth using for cooking.  True chablis is grown and made exclusively in the Chablis subregion in the Burgundy region of France.  Though it uses the same grapes as white burgundy, it isn’t aged in oak, so it is missing the complexity that adds appeal to other white burgundy.  

But actually, I usually lean more toward the deep, righ reds anyway … mourvedre, well-blended cabernet, or tempranillo, for example.  

My friend thanked me, then suddenly pointed at his watch and said, ‘Hey, look at the time!  Gotta run!’

It’s good we had this talk - was happy to help my friend with his misperception.  This is just the kind of dialogue that can help gain understanding, and bridge the divides in our polarized society.  

Monday, April 1, 2019



In a remarkable turnaround, Dr. James Hansen conceded that his research over three decades was mostly made up. 

“In the early 1980s, NASA needed to find a way to remain relevant, and to distract the public from the investigations that revealed that the so-called ‘Moon landings’ were all staged.  So, they put me in charge of a program to promulgate this apocalyptic theory about Global Warming.  I mean, we had all these satellites up there, not doing much other than navigation, weather reporting and spying.  We could tell people anything we wanted, and they’d just suck it up.

“It threw a scare into us a few years ago, when James Inhofe, the Senator from Oil, brought a snowball into the Senate chambers.  But his compelling testimony was soon forgotten, so we spun more yarns, and passed out more dollars to our lackeys in the research conspiracy industry.  But then this year, we knew we were had when it got cold in the mid-west, and the man with the biggest brain in the universe, revealed us as a mockery. 

“So, I admit it.  We’ve been making this up all along. We are ready to refund all the research money we have wasted; not to the government, but to those most in need – the fossil-fuel industry, whom we have slandered all these years.  We are ready to admit that coal, ‘beautiful, clean coal’, has been the answer all along. 

Fortunately, NASA has a new mission … MARS!!!