Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Cults and Outside News

A key step in cementing a cult leader’s hold on his followers is to isolate them from outside sources of information.  This may be done through overt censorship, by disallowing publications, or jamming unauthorized broadcasts, and blocking internet sites – as was done in the old Soviet Union, and is still done in China, North Korea, Saudi Arabia, and elsewhere.  But there is a much easier way.  If a cult leader has enough sway over the minds of his followers, all he has to do is repeatedly and consistently discredit outside sources of information.  When this is successful there is no need to block access; cult members will do the censoring themselves, through peer pressure, and their own cognitive dissonance – the phenomenon by which people will reject input that directly conflicts with their core beliefs, rather than address the contradiction. 

Though less expensive to maintain than actual censorship, the brainwashing necessary to get people to self-censor doesn’t happen overnight.  It takes time and consistency – and a somewhat credulous population of cult members, who are willing to single-source a version of the truth. 

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