Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Free Public Education

The principle of free public education has been core to our nation’s identity for most of our existence, and is an embodiment of Jefferson’s foundational view that an educated citizenry is a vital requisite for our survival as a free people.   

This principle has no more dedicated, hard-working, driven foe than Betsy DeVos.  She never attended a public school, nor sent her children to any, and has absolutely no experience in the field education whatsoever, other than using her family’s tremendous wealth to advocate for redirecting vital public funds from free, accountable, public schools toward private, for-profit, often religious schools – not held to the same standards as public schools, and often not free.  

Her nomination is consistent with other Trump nominations; most have a track record in direct opposition to the purpose of the agencies they have been chosen to lead.  What makes the prospect of   DeVos leading the Department of Education more pernicious is that, with education compromised, the rest of the agenda becomes much easier to promulgate.  

Four months ago (it seems a lifetime), the conversation was whether the government would fully fund tuition-free four-year colleges, or if this would be limited to community colleges.  Now, it will be an uphill battle to maintain the integrity of our free, public primary and secondary schools.  

I encourage all who value public education to call or write your Senators and Congressional Representatives.  Let them know what is at stake, and let them know that you will be watching their vote, and will remember when it is next time for them to stand for reelection.  

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