Monday, November 21, 2016

Happy Holidays

I welcome any greeting offered in kindness and goodwill this season, as I do throughout the year.  

If I know you are a fellow Christian, I may wish you ‘Merry Christmas’, ‘Happy Christmas’, Joyeux Noël, Feliz Navidad, Fröhliche Weihnachten, or the like.  I love the warmth shared traditions.   

If I know you are celebrating a different holiday, and I know the appropriate greeting, I will offer that, in a spirit of friendship.  Though our traditions may be different, I respect yours, and wish you well. 

If I’m not sure if or what you are celebrating, I will likely fall back on ‘Happy Holidays’.  I prefer that to risking something that may cause you to feel out of place.  There is much we may all celebrate together without invading one another's privacy.   

But if you are one of those who wears his Christianity like gang colors, and carries hostility toward any whose greeting doesn’t precisely comply with your preferred phrasing I would prefer to avoid you; we’ll both be better for it.  Barring that, I will probably just say hello.  I will try to neither validate, nor trigger your sad little anger addiction.  

But be assured, I will pray for you.  

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