Monday, April 22, 2013

Earth Day Musings

An Earth Day thought:
It is arrogant to think human activities can destroy the planet, or even impose any permanent damage. 
We are certainly capable of making temporary changes to the thin, rather fragile layer we call the biosphere.  We are affecting the climate in ways we will not enjoy – but nothing like a collision with a city-sized meteorite - the effects of which the Earth has survived repeatedly. 
Our efforts may make the planet unliveable for ourselves, and most of our large land-dwelling peers, but time heals all – and the Earth has existed since time out of mind, and likely has as much time ahead as behind in which to recover.   Evolution is utterly indifferent as to its direction; in another 20-30 million years—not even a blink in geological time—it , it will not matter whether we conserved, and stewarded our biosphere during our brief sojourn, or greedily used up all we could acquire; poisoning everything we touched.  Whatever species then is dominant will likely be unaware that we ever existed – and if aware may view us with a combination of indifference, or gratitude for the mutations we triggered that made their dominace possible. 
It’s not the Earth we are capable of destroying – it is ourselves. 
Happy Earth Day!

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