Thursday, November 15, 2012

Scandal in High Places - French Version

A scandal recently came to light in the French Foreign Service. 

It appears that le général Jean-Mireille Giscard des Etoiles, Commandant of EU forces in le Maghreb, has for some years NOT been having an affair with his personal assistant and biographer, Mme. Claudine Pompadour. 

Because of his many years of distinguished service—including numerous previous affairs with married women—le général des Etoiles is being allowed to remain in his post until the end of the year, at which time he will quietly retire. 

Mme Pompadour could not be reached for comment.  She is rumored to be recovering on the island of Ibiza , hoping to escape the taint of scandal, and rebuild her reputation.       

Saturday, August 18, 2012


Change is hard ...

And if you carry too much, it bulges out in your pocket, and makes a jingly noise as you walk. 

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Confused Bigot

So if a hate-filled bigot breaks into a house of worship and murders a bunch of innocent people, because they superficially resemble a different group of innocent people, what is the appropriate response? 

I mean, should you explain the mistaken identity to him.  Seriously, it’s just going to make him feel stupid.    And what’s he supposed to do, drop back by the church and say, “Hey, sorry guys; my bad”.   

I suppose that on whatever imaginary battlefield this guy thinks he’s fighting, this was some kind of acceptable ‘collateral damage’. 

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Shades of Gray

Curious that so many of the same people who insist on absolute black-and-white alignment with their particular views when it comes to inherently subjective areas like societal mores and religion, suddenly advocate pseudo-openmindedness, and insist on respect for a wide range of perspectives—including total denial—when the subject is solid, well-established science?  

Monday, March 12, 2012

The Pain of the Plutocrats

Mitt Romney on his populist appeal:
"I don’t follow the NFL as closely as ardent fans, but Ihave some friends who own teams.”
“I don’t follow the war closely, but I have some friends who run military industrial companies.”
“I don’t know any uninsured people, but I have some friends who own insurance and pharmaceutical companies.”

“I am really out of touch with the unwashed hoi polloi, butI feel the pain of the plutocracy.”

Monday, February 6, 2012

The Soul

Of all the attributes to which we point as distinctions between ourselves and other animals (use of tools, self-awareness, abstract reasoning, etc.), the claim that having souls is an unique human attribute may be the most difficult to prove.    

We who believe we are imbued with a soul must make it our business to manifest it.  And we may find excellent role models among all creatures.