Saturday, September 18, 2010

Religion Quiz

Here's a one-question quiz:
  1. I choose the religion and church to which I belong because:
    a)   It's the only true faith; all others are either naïve mythologies, dangerous heresies, or both.
    b)   It's the church my parents attended.  I'm comfortable with the beliefs, ceremonies, and culture.   
Seriously, can't we all just be comfortable with our beliefs, and consider the possibility that our being right doesn't necessitate that anybody else be wrong?  What's so hard about that? 


  1. Michael, sometimes I think we might have formed our minds in the same environment. Below is a comment I posted in August in response to a NY Times article related to Richard Dawkins:

    "Why does anyone care what other people believe? Could somebody explain the impulse to persuade others of the correctness of one's belief system?"
    "Evangelists, whether atheists or persons of religious faith, seem sad and needy, as if they can validate their own beliefs only by recruiting others to join them. But maybe I'm missing something . . . ?"

  2. I definitely agree about Dawkins. I enjoy hearging him speak about religion, not because I agree with him, but because he makes such an amusing counterpoint to the silly-heads who say that science is wrong if it doesn't cleave closely to their interpretation of a bible verse.
    It would be nice if both sides would just stop ... nice, but boring.
