Monday, April 29, 2024

Neutrality is anything but

I don't normally pass on commentary from columnists ... and George Will is generally a bit on the conservative side for me.  But these are the kind of times when true conservatives find common ground with liberals, in opposition to a treasonous cult, whose leader is a 'useful idiot' of a dangerous foreign enemy.  

In 1994, in the aftermath of the collapse of the Soviet Union, Ukraine gave up it's stockpile of nuclear weapons, in return for security assurances from Russia, the United Kingdom, and the United States.  The world has been safer for thirty years now, thanks to that agreement.  Putin's attack against Ukraine's territorial integrity, and sovereignty, it is a clear violation of this international accord that has enabled safety and stability in the post-Soviet era.  

It gives undue credit to M.T. Greene's intellect to assume that she has any conception of what it means for us to stand aside and allow the violation of this accord to wipe the key signatory off the map.  And Donald Trump is so utterly narcissistic that he can't see beyond his self-interest, and the loss of his primary international mentor.  So it is up to the rest of us, regardless of political affiliation, to rise above the fools and the corrupt, to make sure our leaders act in out nation's--and the world's--best interests, by stopping this aggression, while it can still be contained. 

George Will - Putin-Wing Republicans

Arsenal of Democracy

Thursday, April 4, 2024

Trump International Airport

I heard this yesterday on the news, and thought it was an April Fools story that I heard about late.  

But I looked it up, and it was no joke (not intentional, anyway).  It's a ludicrous idea, which will go nowhere, even in the current House of Representatives.  It's just a way for these fools to try to curry favor with The Donald.

The saddest thing about this futile gesture is that it will gain them nothing from their hero.  Trump lacks the capacity to experience gratitude – even for the moment.  One need only consider poor Lindsey Graham, and all the money he's wasted on knee pads to realize this.   

Trump International?

Thursday, February 22, 2024

Genocide and the Genocide of Truth

An excellent illustration of the power of multimedia coordination and brainwashing is when simply calling for a pause in an historically tragic genocide opens one to accusations of supporting genocide. 

Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Empathy Doesn't Take Sides

My heart goes out to those who lost loved ones in the Hamas attack on October 6, those who were taken hostage, and those who await their safe return.  

My heart also goes out to those who have lost loved ones under the relentless destruction that continues to be visited upon those living and working in Gaza.  

It is often difficult to feel compassion for people on both sides of a conflict.  It is much easier to simply choose one side, embrace deep compassion for them, and vilify the other; negating their perspective, and disregarding their injury - including that to non-combatants.  

This is lazy, and makes us less fully human.  More importantly, it lowers our psychological barriers to demagogues and zealots, who exploit the wedges we have allowed to grow in our own awareness.  Before you know it, a modern-day Joe McCarthy emerges, to try to clean out government, or academia of any who don't align with their own radical views - and we have voluntarily disarmed ourselves against them.  

Friday, December 8, 2023

Ken Paxton and Eternal Shame

Ken Paxton Threatens Doctors / Hospitals

This criminal, inhuman POS barely escaped with his career (though not his reputation) intact this fall - only because of his affiliation with an equally corrupt party.   

Paxton Survived on near party-line votes

His shame will long outlive him - even if many of his victims don't.

Wednesday, December 6, 2023

2023 records - Global Temp & US Mass Murders

2023 is a banner year, breaking at least a couple of less-than-desirable records.

- The US has broken the annual record for mass murder rampages.
- This is also the hottest year on record for the planet.

Any coach who is worthy of that title will tell you that records are meant to be broken ... and it is unlikely that either of these will stand for long.

Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Abstention and Good Manners

Office parties, family gatherings, bowl games; there are lots of reasons to get together with friends and family this time of year to laugh, eat and drink.  

Over time, though, I'm finding more and more of my friends opting to to not drink alcohol at these events.  They seem to have a pretty good time anyway.

There are a lot of reasons our friends might choose to abstain.  The one thing they have in common is that they are none of my business.  

Let's each celebrate the holidays in our own way, and enjoy one another's company, without asking a bunch of dumb questions.