Friday, January 24, 2025

Bishop Mariann Edgar Budde

Like many Americans, I had not heard of Episcopal Bishop Mariann Edgar Budde until she led the service at the National Cathedral on the day of the recent inauguration. And, though I admire her courage in speaking truth to power; and preaching kindness and mercy to one from whom it will be most needed, but is unlikely to be forthcoming.

But she is not New in this post, and this is not the first time she has used that office to show mercy where it is sorely needed. This post showed up in my feed this morning - and I find that I admire her even more.

Bishop Budde & Matthew Shepard

Friday, January 17, 2025

Emergency Response

There may be no time that offers a better window into the character of an individual, a leader, an organization, or a nation, than how they respond to an emergency.  

It has been so gratifying to see communities around southern California, northern California, and throughout the west, from Oregon and Washington to Utah, and as far east as Houston Texas, respond to the tragic wildfires in Los Angeles in the spirit of shared humanity, and instinctive sacrifice and heroism.  Resources from Canada, Mexico, and other nations have likewise joined the effort to ease the loss, and make these communities whole once again.  Even Ukraine has offered to share from their hard-pressed resources to pay back a people they feel have done so much to protect them..  

I have nothing but admiration for these men and women.  

Then there are those who sit on the sidelines, contributing nothing, yet mercilessly critiquing those who help.  They are like middle-aged football fans, who scream insults at their televisions, when an elite athlete can't quite haul in a down-field pass, then grunt like a swine as they haul their lard-asses out of their appropriately-named Lazy-Boys, to trudge off to the fridge for yet another beer.  

Teddy Roosevelt spoke of these folks, and their shallow, lazy, meaningless critiques of 'doers' in his short piece, 'The Man in the Arena'

The Man in the Arena

Friday, January 10, 2025

2024 for the WIN!!!

The year 2024 is now on record as the hottest year on record.  
It was neck and neck going into the final month, but 2024 edged out 2023 by a nose.  

I don't know what the Las Vegas betting line was, but those who placed their money on 2024 hit pay dirt.  

In the sporting world, they say 'records are meant to be broken' - and for better or worse, I think this one will be moved off the podium before long.  

Like most people, I'm tired of seeing this same news from NASA year after year.  In an ironic sense, then, it will please many that NASA is likely to stop sharing this news for a few years now.  I mean, why bother people with facts and data and stuff.  

For those few nerds, who want to see behind the curtain, we have (for now at least) these further underlying data.  But we are likely to soon be less troubled by this annual release as well, and will be able to continue on our blissful way, without all the conflict and confusion these generate.