I don't normally pass on commentary from columnists ... and George Will is generally a bit on the conservative side for me. But these are the kind of times when true conservatives find common ground with liberals, in opposition to a treasonous cult, whose leader is a 'useful idiot' of a dangerous foreign enemy.
In 1994, in the aftermath of the collapse of the Soviet Union, Ukraine gave up it's stockpile of nuclear weapons, in return for security assurances from Russia, the United Kingdom, and the United States. The world has been safer for thirty years now, thanks to that agreement. Putin's attack against Ukraine's territorial integrity, and sovereignty, it is a clear violation of this international accord that has enabled safety and stability in the post-Soviet era.
It gives undue credit to M.T. Greene's intellect to assume that she has any conception of what it means for us to stand aside and allow the violation of this accord to wipe the key signatory off the map. And Donald Trump is so utterly narcissistic that he can't see beyond his self-interest, and the loss of his primary international mentor. So it is up to the rest of us, regardless of political affiliation, to rise above the fools and the corrupt, to make sure our leaders act in out nation's--and the world's--best interests, by stopping this aggression, while it can still be contained.
George Will - Putin-Wing Republicans
Arsenal of Democracy