Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Cult Violations and Enforcement

 The ‘Big Lie’ serves a number of purposes within a cult beyond simply convincing gullible members of its veracity.  It also: 

  • Separates cult members from no-believers in the lie, since the lie is so outlandish, it is so far from accepted reality, it creates a barrier of embarrassment and interpersonal conflict with outsiders.

  • It provides a weapon to enforce cohesion and adherence to the cult leader’s pronouncements.  Any member who dares to disagree, or dispute the big lie is ostracized and shunned by fellow cult members.  

  • This serves both to keep their potentially disruptive views from spreading, but at least as importantly, this punishment serves as a warning to other cult members of the fate that awaits those who think independently. 

As difficult as it can be for anybody to counter a belief accepted by one’s peers, it is a true profile in courage, when these peers are fully invested in categorically disproven lies, and worship the con man who promulgates them.  

I am not a fan of this Liz Cheney, but I tip my hat to her today.