Thursday, February 11, 2021

Dorian Gray and Trump

He loved nobody but himself, but felt it was his birthright to be loved unconditionally by all.  He had no friends.  His world was inhabited only by potential prey, enemies, and by those with whom he would form temporary, revocable alliances.  

He knew that good looks were the only way to make sure people would love you, and wanted to find a way to remain beautiful.  He heard about a guy named Dorian Gray, who negotiated a deal with the devil; in return for his soul, he would never age; retaining his handsome, youthful looks forever.  No matter how corruptly he led his life, he would remain handsome, vital, and youthful; his corruption would be reflected only a painting of him, which would age, and become hideous.  

This seemed like a sweet deal – a bargain, really.  And nobody knew the art of the deal like he did.  So, he sent his best man to meet with the devil, to get him the same deal.  Giuliani returned from the meeting the next day, and assured his boss that he had succeeded; no matter how corrupt a life he led, none of the dozens of portraits of himself—which he kept in every room—would ever age a single day.