Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Shades of Gray

Curious that so many of the same people who insist on absolute black-and-white alignment with their particular views when it comes to inherently subjective areas like societal mores and religion, suddenly advocate pseudo-openmindedness, and insist on respect for a wide range of perspectives—including total denial—when the subject is solid, well-established science?  

Monday, March 12, 2012

The Pain of the Plutocrats

Mitt Romney on his populist appeal:
"I don’t follow the NFL as closely as ardent fans, but Ihave some friends who own teams.”
“I don’t follow the war closely, but I have some friends who run military industrial companies.”
“I don’t know any uninsured people, but I have some friends who own insurance and pharmaceutical companies.”

“I am really out of touch with the unwashed hoi polloi, butI feel the pain of the plutocracy.”