Friday, May 14, 2010

Hawaii 'Birther' Law

Hawaii just enacted a law that allows state workers to ignore those troglodytes who keep bugging them to produce Obama’s birth certificate - again. One out of five Americans doesn’t see this as a settled issue. One out of five! 

I know what you’re thinking … ‘What are they hiding?’ {;-)

Thursday, May 13, 2010


Welcome to Arizona – home of the unregulated, half-inebriated, heavily armed, self-deputizing, all-volunteer barfly border patrol; Local post HQ at Shorty’s Tap Room. 
‘Heads up!  Suspicious Hispanic spotted at the day-labor stop at 4th and Main.  Suck ‘em up, Boys!  Let’s ride!’

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Cult Indoctrination

One of the key first steps in cult indoctrination is the severing of ties to outside influences – family, friends, newspapers, television, etc. The novice is taught to distrust all non-members, and is force-fed an alternate reality, which is dissonant with the outside World. 
Ultimately, members become dependent on the cult leader, and come to believe that the only truth is that spoken by Rush himself.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Louisiana Oil Spil

There are a lot of legitimate responses to the ongoing oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico; Anger, outrage, frustration, resolve … curiosity, guilt, shame. The one response only a fool can have though – is surprise.