Sunday, October 11, 2009

Nobel vs. Bolton

Do you think it would placate those who are so wildly upset about Obama’s Nobel Prize if we came up with a little something for his predecessor?  I suggest that Cheney be given the first annual John Bolton Prize in International Diplomacy and cooperation.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

A House Divided

It is delusional to believe that we can maintain decent, sustainable environmental and labor standards here, while laying open our economy to unrestricted imports from nations where no such standards exist. We have become an integrated world economy, and—to borrow from Abraham Lincoln—‘A house divided cannot stand’. The world economy will either move in unison to an environmentally sustainable, humane model, or will race to the bottom of ecological desolation and degradation of labor.

Monday, October 5, 2009

The Invisible Hand

An individual's belief in the beneficence of the so-called invisible hand depend largely on whether one identifies more with the slapper, or the slappee.